As Steve Jobs once said – “Get closer than ever to your Customers. So close that you tell them what they need before they realize it themselves”. A good CRM system in place will do exactly that for your business and much more. While you concentrate on other aspects of your business, your CRM software will ensure that you and your team are always updated and are on track with your customers’ needs. Integrating a CRM Solution with your Drupal website has just gotten easier with the updated web services module.
Integrating CRM with your Drupal Website
Along with outstanding features like scalability, security, flexibility, robustness and much more; Drupal also plays well with internal and external CRM integrations for your Drupal website.
Now that you have made a wise decision by choosing Drupal for your website development, let us also learn about various CRM solutions available in the market for Drupal Website Development.
Choose wisely for your Drupal Website
Drupal is not only great with Content but also works well with a lot of CRM solutions by big players that are available in the market. Depending on the requirements of your business process you can make the right choice for your company as Drupal provides many means to implement CRM on your Drupal website.
If your CRM solution requirement is simplistic and you have the time for development, you can effectively create your own CRM within Drupal by using Drupals’ native CRM solution, CRM Core, which is a set of modules meant for managing and tracking contacts and memberships. Using these general modules like View, Entity, References etc., you can definitely achieve great flexibility however it can be very time consuming.
RedHen is another native Drupal CRM that offers a toolkit to create your own functionality. It can save you from some developer time as it gives you many presumed and typical use-case functionalities. However, you would still need to do some work yourself in customizing the modules to suit your requirements.
When you have it all served in a platter, is it really necessary to go the kitchen? To make your life easier, listed below are a few external enterprise level CRM solutions that integrate well with Drupal and are extremely efficient, affordable and easy to plug-in.
CiviCRM is a web-based open-source Constituent Relationship Management software that is specifically meant for non-profit and non-governmental organizations but can be customized for other groups too. Written in PHP, it integrates efficiently and seamlessly with Drupal and offers a plethora of features and customizations for your Drupal website Development.
SalesForce is an extensive cloud based CRM solution that automates your whole Sales process right from pre-sales to post-sales. Drupal and Salesforce together have developed a Salesforce Suite of integration modules to meet a variety of business needs. These integration modules are ..wait for it .. Open-source!
SugarCRM is yet another open-source PHP based CRM solution which just like SalesForce, concentrates more on commercial organizations rather than community. It offers data syncing and field mapping between Drupal and Sugar entities and hence integrates beautifully into your Drupal website giving you an effective CRM experience.
Customer satisfaction is key to a successful business and the right CRM that suits your organizational requirements is what you need to expand and nurture your customer base.
Specbee, isn’t just a Drupal Website Development company; we want to be true partners with you and help you make the right choices. With a bunch of web-based and premise-based CRM solutions available – our technology expertise can provide you with a superlative solution which is most suitable to your business organization.