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How to retain and re-engage your e-Commerce website customers

 |  Shefali Shetty
Customer acquisition – the fundamental element for all businesses to operate, for undeniably, there can be no business without customers. Companies go to great extents to grow sales and increase revenues. Sales executives are given targets to reach to bring in new customers. Nevertheless, most companies fail to understand that retaining your

Mobile Marketing Strategies - Have You Got Your Facts Right?

 |  Shri Ganesh Hegde
As mobile technology transformed over the years, numerous mobile marketing concepts and theories came and were wiped out. In the early stages, marketers believed that mobile marketing was just a modified version of web strategy on desktops. But when they realized that people interacted with their mobile devices in a manner completely different

Why We Started Using Drupal Framework For Our Platform

 |  Shri Ganesh Hegde
There has always been this debate whether Drupal was built for the publishers or the developers out there. With some complexities under the hood, many argue that Drupal framework is primarily for the publishers, and you find a lot of developers complaining abut the way Drupal works

Choosing Your E-Commerce Platform - You Have Been Doing It Wrong the Whole Time

 |  Shri Ganesh Hegde
Yes it is important that you pick a platform based on what your e-commerce business needs right now. But that is not it! The platform you pick should also be able to support and stay in parallel with your future goals, visions and innovations you have in store for your business.

Native, Hybrid Or Progressive Web Apps - What App To Build For Your Business?

 |  Shri Ganesh Hegde
A couple of years back, when Google announced that Progressive Web Apps are going to be the next big thing, I was definitely excited! Google called it an exciting new approach to app development. To me, the fact that it would combine the best qualities of the web with native apps was a welcome news.

Is your shopping cart getting abandoned frequently?

 |  Shefali Shetty
As consumers, most of us have done it. At least I have. Adding stuff to my shopping cart and then for various reasons, leaving it high and dry mid-way. About 7 out of 10 shoppers are abandoning their shopping carts after loading them and checking out. This poses a huge problem to the e-Commerce industry as there are billions of dollars of lost

Future-proof your E-Commerce Website Responsive-ize it!

 |  Shefali Shetty
So you have some amazing things to sell. You get a website for yourself which is now an e-Commerce store. You have some classy looking designs coupled with some cool looking CTA buttons. Sure, your e-Commerce website design does look great on a desktop but how does it look on a mobile or a tablet? Are you making your users zoom in and out of a

Mobile App Development Company - How Do You Pick The Right One?

 |  Shri Ganesh Hegde
Every time I watch the movie “The Pursuit of Happyness”, there is one thing which strikes my mind and I end up thinking about it for days. In the climax of the movie, the managers of the company decide to stick with “Chris” ( In spite of having tons of other options ) not because of his appearance or how he was dressed for the interview, but for

Need a Mobile Wallet App? Here's what you should know

 |  Shefali Shetty
It’s all about convenience these days. Mobile technology is now an indispensable part of almost 2 billion of us around the world. This technology has been leveraged to make our lives easier by helping us shop, pay bills, transfer funds, and now – stash our cash in Mobile wallets. Mobile wallet apps allow you to save your card (credit/debit)

Online Grocery Shopping-The Evolution

 |  Shefali Shetty
Once upon a time, I used to be stricken with horror when I forgot to get my grocery list to the supermarket. Not that I always followed the list anyway, but that was back in the day. Today I’m a savvy online grocery shopper who doesn’t need lists! My weekly/monthly purchases pop up with click and I just need add a few extra goodies (if I’m feeling too generous) to hit Buy! I have a complete control over how much I spend and its convenience is exceptional.