If your Drupal website is running slow and you’re wondering what's causing the delay, you have arrived at the right place!

We’re talking about XHProf profiling today, a powerful yet lightweight open-source tool that analyzes the performance of your PHP code.

This function-level hierarchical profiler is a very handy tool when you want to optimize your Drupal website by identifying and fixing performance bottlenecks. It was originally developed by Facebook. 

Read the full article to find out more about this amazing tool and how to use XHProf profiling in Drupal development to enhance the efficiency and speed of your applications.

How does XHProf work

XHProf records how long each function takes to execute and how much memory it consumes. With these detailed insights, developers can then find and fix slow code and even optimize it. This leads to improved page load times and overall system performance.

Profiling involves measuring the execution time and resource usage of various parts of your code, helping you pinpoint areas that can be improved for better performance.

Setting Up XHProf for Drupal


First, you need to figure out where your php.ini file is:

php -i | grep php.ini

Install XHProf

Install the XHProf extension for PHP on your server.


Add the below code to your lando.yml file

     # Install xhprof.
     - pecl install xhprof && echo "extension=xhprof.so" > $PHP_INI_DIR/conf.d/xhprof.ini

Then run the below command to rebuild:

lando rebuild -y

#Mac (with Homebrew PHP)

brew install php82-xhprof

Once you install it, edit your ext-xhprof.ini (e.g /usr/local/etc/php/8.1/conf.d/ext-xhprof.ini ) to add:



Install xhprof using pecl

pecl install xhprof

Once installed add an extension to xhprof config:


Verify XHProf is installed

On your terminal run the below command to verify whether XHProf is installed or not:

php -i | grep xhprof

The output should be similar to this:

xhprof support => enabled
xhprof.collect_additional_info => 0 => 0
xhprof.output_dir => no value => no value
xhprof.sampling_depth => 0x7fffffff => 0x7fffffff
xhprof.sampling_interval => 100000 => 100000

Install the XHProf contrib module

composer require 'drupal/xhprof:^1.0@beta'

Enable XHProf Module

Enable the module using Drush

drush en xhprof


Enable the module using the Drupal admin interface

Configure XHProf Settings

Visit the configuration page for the XHProf module to set options such as enabling or disabling profiling, setting up the output directory for profiling data, and configuring other advanced settings.

Analyze Profiling Data

Once profiling is triggered, XHProf generates detailed reports about the execution flow, function calls, and resource consumption. These reports can be viewed in the Drupal admin interface or directly on the file system, depending on your configuration.

Optimizing Drupal Code with XHProf

With XHProf profiling data in hand, Drupal developers can identify areas for improvement and optimization. Here are some common strategies:

1. Identify Performance Bottlenecks

Analyze the XHProf reports to identify functions or methods with high execution times or excessive resource consumption. These are potential areas for optimization.

2. Reduce Database Queries

Drupal often interacts with databases, and inefficient database queries can impact performance. Use XHProf to pinpoint code responsible for problematic queries and optimize them.

3. Caching Strategies

Implement effective caching strategies for your Drupal site. XHProf can help you identify areas where caching could be more efficiently applied.

4. Code Refactoring

XHProf provides a detailed breakdown of function calls, enabling developers to refactor code for better performance. Consider optimizing loops, conditionals, and other code structures.

Final thoughts

XHProf profiling is a valuable tool for Drupal developers who want to optimize the performance of their applications. By identifying bottlenecks and resource-intensive code, developers can make informed decisions to enhance the speed and efficiency of Drupal websites. Incorporating XHProf into your development workflow can lead to improved user experiences and a more responsive Drupal application. 

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